Help support Bru'n Water development.
To ensure that you receive the Supporter’s Version of Bru’n Water, please follow the instructions below carefully. Please direct PayPal donations to mabrungard@hotmail.com, and Google Pay donations to mossview5@gmail.com. Be sure that your donation is at least $10USD (including any fees that Paypal deducts) in order to receive Bru’n Water. (International supporters should be aware that Paypal fees can approach $1 on a $10 donation) If you are donating with PayPal’s mobile App, be sure to donate at least $11USD since PayPal will be deducting their fee. The PC-based PayPal App does allow you to “Send to a Friend” and avoid the PayPal fee.
PayPal Users! You MUST include your name and email address in the “Add a Note” area of the donation page since PayPal no longer includes that information automatically with donations.
¡Asegúrese de solicitar la versión en español en el mensaje con su donación!
Visit the FAQ Page if you have any problems in obtaining or operating Bru’n Water.
GMAIL USERS! You must set up a filter on your account as shown here.
We thank you for your support!
PayPal Users: When sending a donation, the PC-based PayPal portal will default to say “Paying for an Item or Service” on the donation page. Click the Change icon beside that “Paying for an Item or Service” statement and you will be able to change it to “Sending to a Friend” and avoid the fee.
+ How to donate via PayPal
- Open your Paypal account
- Click on the Send & Request area at the top of the page
- The PayPal site defaults to assume that you are Paying for an Item or Service. Click on the Change icon and select the Sending to a Friend button to avoid the PayPal fee. (DO NOT send money via Paying for an Item or Service as this will incur the PayPal fee and may result in your donation being returned if it's less than $10USD (less the fee that Paypal charges).
- Enter: mabrungard@hotmail.com as the recipient. Be careful in entering the address since Paypal just keeps your money if you misdirect it to a non-existent address!
- Enter a Donation Amount. Amounts over $10USD will be rewarded with the latest Bru'n Water version and future upgrades. Donations of less than $10USD will be returned.
- Include your full name and your email address in your message. (We're still amazed that so many send donations with no email address. Don't be the one!)
- Press Send
- Set up a filter or other method to ensure that messages from mabrungard@hotmail.com make it into your Inbox. See the FAQ for more information.
- You should receive your customized copy of Bru'n Water in a day or two as an attachment in an email message. Your program may be attached to a reply to your Paypal notification message. Don't overlook messages that look like they're from Paypal. (The message will still be from mabrungard@hotmail.com ). Add mabrungard@hotmail.com to your Contacts list to help your email know that this is a desired message.
- Your Bru'n Water file will have a .dat file name that you will have to rename with a .xls file name in order for the program to run. (Sorry, this is a measure to keep your file from being blocked by over-zealous email programs)
- Thanks for your support!
+ How to donate via Google Pay
- Open your Google Pay account
- Click Send or Request Money in Google Pay at the top of the page
- Click on the Send Money button and select Sending to a Friend.
- In Google Pay enter: mossview5@gmail.com as the recipient.
- Enter a Donation Amount. Amounts over $10 will be rewarded with the latest Bru'n Water version and future upgrades. Donations of less than $10 will be returned.
- Include your full name and your email address in your message. (We're still amazed that so many send donations with no email address. Don't be the one!!!)
- Press send
- Set up a filter or other method to ensure that messages from mabrungard@hotmail.com make it into your Inbox. See the FAQ for more information.
- You should receive your customized copy of Bru'n Water in a day or two as an attachment in an email message. (The message will be from mabrungard@hotmail.com ) Add mabrungard@hotmail.com to your Contacts list or Safe Sender list to help your email know that desired messages come from that address.
- Your Bru'n Water file will have a .dat file name that you will have to rename with a .xls file name in order for the program to run. (Sorry, this is a measure to keep your file from being blocked by over-zealous email programs)
- Thanks for your support!