Bru'n Water enables homebrewers and craftbrewers to accurately assess and modify their brewing water.
Bru’n Water enables brewers to:
Evaluate the reported quality of their water source and water report
Calculate acid additions for sparging water adjustment
Calculate how to adjust the mashing and brewing water to meet a particular water profile
Assess if the mash water chemistry will produce an appropriate mashing pH
There are plenty of brewing water programs that calculate what quantity of brewing minerals to add to produce a desired ion concentration in water, but few tell you: Is it the right thing to do?
Bru'n Water gives a brewer the ability to assess what minerals, acid, or dilution should be incorporated into their brewing water. It also tells the brewer what the effect of those adjustments will be. Bru'n Water is also unique in its ability to assess what effect the Brewer's actual mash grist will have on the mash pH. Mash pH plays an important part in the fermentability and character of the brewer's wort and the taste and perceptions of the finished beer.
About Martin Brungard
Bru’n Water and Bru’n Solutions are led by Martin Brungard, P.E., D.WRE. Martin has over 35 years experience as a professional engineer with specialization in water and wastewater services to both industries and municipalities. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering and a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering with specialization in water resources. Those degrees were awarded by the University of Florida. He is a licensed professional engineer in the states of Indiana, Florida, and Georgia.
Along with his extensive engineering experience and skill, Martin is also an accomplished homebrewer and beer judge with over 20 years experience. His brewing knowledge is evidenced by his BJCP National judge rating and his numerous brewing technical articles published in The New Brewer and Zymurgy magazines. He also served as a technical editor for Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers (Palmer & Kaminski, 2013). He was the primary author of that book's chapters on water treatment and wastewater treatment.
Support Bru’n Water
Although Bru'n Water is freeware, to assist the team in continuing the improvement of this program and to indicate your approval and support, donations through PayPal or Google Pay are welcome.