Updating Water Report Info
Brewers that deal with a water supply that has varying quality, can easily update their saved water files with little effort.
You may have dozens of water files in your Bru’n Water Data Manager, but it only takes a moment to update the Water Report Input for all of those files. Here’s how:
Open Bru’n Water.
Go to the Water Report Input sheet and enter the water quality values from your new water report. Be sure and check that the new values produce a reasonably balanced Cation and Anion result. If the Cation/Anion Difference (Cell C18) is small, you should be able to rely on that new data.
Go to the Data Manager sheet and click Save. That new water file with the updated data will be placed at the bottom of your water file listing on the Data Manager sheet. Scroll down the sheet and you should see your new data in the last filled row of the Data Manager.
Select Cells G through R on that last row.
At the Bottom Right corner of that range of cells, there will be a small dot or square. Hover your mouse cursor over that dot or square and the cursor symbol should change.
Left Click the mouse on the dot or square and then Hold Down and Drag the mouse cursor directly up the page. You can drag the cursor up as many rows as you would like to modify with the updated water data. When you Release the Left Mouse Button, the updated water data from that last row will have been copied into all the rows that you highlighted while dragging the cursor up.
After you’ve copied that new water data into your saved water files, you can delete the file name (Column E) from ONLY the last row in order to allow a new water file to be saved on that Row.
Your selected water files have now been updated with the new water report data.